[78-L] Lil and Louis

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca.invalid
Thu Jan 29 19:45:53 PST 2015

Meet me in St. Louissss, Louissss.

Potato, potahto.

And Lord doesn't list one single entry by "Lil Hardin Armstrong". 3 sessions as 
Lil Hardin (1923x2, 1 for 1940) and all others as "Lil Armstrong".


On 1/29/2015 10:40 PM, Rodger Holtin iPod wrote:
> And in Kentucky it's Loo-a-ville
> The Wiki article on Satch is pretty fair and it discusses the
> pronunciation at length with the final conclusion that he used about
> all the variants of Louis at one time or another
> Sent from my iPod - which explainz any bad typjng
> On Jan 29, 2015, at 8:47 PM, Dave Burnham
> <burnhamd at rogers.com.invalid>  wrote:
>> I believe there is no definitive answer. Louisville KY usually has a
>> silent "s", St. Louis MO usually doesn't. I've heard Mr. Armstrong
>> pronounced both ways.
>> db
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 29, 2015, at 9:39 PM, Kristjan Saag<saag at telia.com.invalid>
>>> wrote:
>>> I know. Still, the interview was made after that recording...
>>> Kristjan
>>>> On 2015-01-30 03:06, Dave Burnham wrote:
>>>> "Hello, Dolly this is LOUISSSS, Dolly....."
>>>> db
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Jan 29, 2015, at 9:03 PM, Kristjan Saag
>>>>> <saag at telia.com.invalid>  wrote:
>>>>> Listening to an old interview with Lil Hardin Armstrong
>>>>> http://stomp-off.blogspot.se/2010/08/lil-armstrong-interview-1-of-2.html
>>>>> ...and both the interviewer and Lil talk about "Louie". Not a
>>>>> trace of
>>>>> "LouiS".
>>>>> So, what is the correct pronunciation of Mr Armstrong's first name?
>>>>> And another question: did Lil ever record as Lil Hardin
>>>>> Armstrong, or
>>>>> was that just a name used by media to keep Lil Armstrong and Lil
>>>>> Hardin
>>>>> under the same banner?
>>>>> Kristjan

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