[78-L] question about King Oliver Creole Jazz Band recordings

David W. Schultz davidschultz.us at gmail.com.invalid
Mon Jan 19 16:38:35 PST 2015

These are English Brunswicks.  
I am aware Oliver made recordings for Brunswick after the Gennett recordings.  I have some.
Thank you.

On Jan 19, 2015, at 11:55 AM, Malcolm Rockwell wrote:

> If from Gennett they were all reissues from (1923/24) acoustically 
> recorded material obtained through either leases from Gennett or from 
> other companies who may have purchased the masters when Gennett went out 
> of business in the mid 1930s. Oliver also recorded for Brunswick  
> independent of Gennett from 1926 to 1928.
> I'm not up on when the album sets were released, though. My best 
> guesstimate would be late 1930s - early 1940s, and possibly even into 
> the WW2 years. as many companies relied on reissues of existing material 
> during the war or the musician's union recording bans.
> Perhaps someone else can fill in here.
> Malcolm
> *******
> On 1/19/2015 6:32 AM, David W. Schultz wrote:
>> I have several records of King Oliver and his Creole Jazz Band on Brunswick.  These are obviously original Gennett recordings.  How did Brunswick obtain these recordings  and when were they released by Brunswick?
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