[78-L] Sourdine Ensemble of the New York Philharmonic

Thomas Stern sternth at attglobal.net.invalid
Wed Nov 5 18:31:02 PST 2014

noticed PATHE 40182 on auction site.

   Andante Religioso (Thome)/Salut d'amour

google yields a few references,

a couple of VICTOR tests March 1919.


The FLUTIST (1920)

  Anton Fayer, flutist  founder of La Sourdine Ensemble; Leo Schultz,
'cello; Alfred Kastner, harpist


Musical America 1921 - managed by Annie Friedberg


Musical America 1921 indicated managed by 


Does anyone have any further information about this

group, it's lifespan, recordings ?????




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