[78-L] October 22nd 78 session

Mark Bardenwerper citrogsa at charter.net.invalid
Thu Oct 23 16:52:50 PDT 2014

On 10/23/2014 3:43 PM, Iñigo Cubillo wrote:
> Malcolm: You will enjoy them. Ellington is very special... DIfficult for us
> who are so used to the music of such a long period as 1925-1945. I believe
> we tend to mix things... in the sense of loosing the originality of some. Have you ever
> compared Ellington to any other jazz band of the same period? He always sounds so
> different, so original... Nobody dared to imitate that sound... Perhaps those black bands
> of the V-38000s as Fess Wiliams and others? I have never listened to them, bu I will bid
> that Ellington eclipsed them all.
I don't think it would be fair to compare. There was a wonderful 
collision between musical style, technology and the emergence of race 
music as mainstream at that time. Like rock in the 60's-70's even white 
bands wanted to sound black. But Ellington was the leader. And of 
course, there was Henderson.

There was a freshness to the music of  the late 20's that suddenly died 
with the depression and the emergence of smooth sound, the beginning of 
the swing era. One signature was the exodus of banjo.

On another subject, but related, I noted a while back that certain Paul 
Specht/Georgians Columbia Vivas are bringing good money right now. They 
all seem to be Ahola/Calabrese era, 1926-early '28. Too bad, because 
those are the ones I have been after. Spechts before and after are 
almost worthless. Listen to them and you will agree that they are the 
most exciting of Specht's material, except for some Guarente sides.

Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr.

Technology...thoughtfully, responsibly.

Visit me at http://citroen.cappyfabrics.com

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