[78-L] OFF TOPIC: Buster's Comments

Buster busterdog at mac.com.invalid
Wed Aug 13 13:01:39 PDT 2014

No, sorry. I live too close to y'all, and don't need a cross burnt on my lawn by you and your white-hooded pals, or any bullet holes in my truck (or me).

> On Aug 13, 2014, at 12:47 PM, Kurt Nauck <nauck at 78rpm.com.invalid> wrote:
> You know, there are a lot of things that could be said, but Buster's 
> email and the follow-up comments pretty well sum it all up.
> The only thing I'm curious about is who you are, Buster? You've made 
> incendiary remarks towards numerous people on 78-L over the years. 
> Your targets are all known personalities, but you choose hide behind 
> a pseudonym. Do you or do you not have the courage of your convictions?
> If so, reveal yourself. If not, shut up. I respect people of 
> differing opinions with whom I can engage in civil discourse. (Right 
> Biel?) But I have a hard time respecting a coward who does his dirty 
> work under the cover of darkness.
> Kurt Nauck
> c/o Nauck's Vintage Records & Texas Ready
> 22004 Sherrod Ln.
> Spring, Texas  77389
> www.78rpm.com  |  www.TexasReady.net
> www.MDADA.org  |  www.NewPledge.org
> E-Mail: nauck at 78rpm.com
> Phone: (281) 288-7826  |  Fax: (425) 930-6862
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