[78-L] Vocal, Operatic, Orchestral, and Band/Pop 78s "Free to a good home" (Charlotte, NC)

bwerts at vnet.net bwerts at vnet.net
Thu Feb 27 05:13:15 PST 2014

An ARSCList member suggested that I also post this to the 78L list: 

Last spring/summer time frame I worked through my collection of 78rpm discs 
to "thin" the collection a bit.  Like most, I eventually came to a point that no 
more could come in without letting a few go!  And, like most, it is hard to let 
some of these "go," I never know when I _need_ them again.... 
So, what I have here are basically two collections of material that I collected 
when I first started enjoying the 78rpm disc.  When I first started 
listening/collecting I was really into the Big Band era as well as a period of 
acoustically-recorded material.  Much of this material I picked up here at a 
local record shop in Charlotte called the Wax Museum--much of this is radio 
station copies that are in really nice condition.  I also picked up material 
from the Record Finders/Memory Lane Auctions out of Richmond, VA. 
Granted, most of this will be the more "common" material, not likely rare, etc. 
Later on in my collecting I really got into early vocal/operatic work as well as 
some of the smaller orchestral musics.  Practically all of this material came 
from the great Ars Antiqua business via the monthly sales catalogs from David 
Canfield.  When I was buying 78s from Dave, I almost always tended towards the 
European labels so the majority of this material is indeed non-US releases, 
expensive stuff to be honest.  Sure, there are some orchestral "album sets" from 
Columbia and RCA but not that many. 
It would take forever to do a detailed listing so I'm just going to generalize 
each "box" of discs: 
box 1 - 15" of Col/RCA album sets (from Canfield) 

box 2 - 5" of Col/RCA album sets, 12" of vocal/operatic/orchestral, mostly European releases from Canfield) 

box 3 - 17" of vocal/operatic/orchestral, mostly European releases (from Canfield) 

box 4 - 4" of Col/RCA album sets, 12" of vocal/operatic/orchestral, mostly European releases (from Canfield) 

box 5 - 3" of Col/RCA album sets, 6" of vocal/operatic/orchestral, mostly European releases (from Canfield) 

box 6 - 12" of Col/RCA album sets, 4" of vocal/operatic/orchestral, mostly European releases 
(from Canfield) 

box 7 - 9" of Col/RCA album sets, 7" of vocal/operatic/orchestral, mostly European releases (from Canfield) 

box 8 - 9" of Col/RCA album sets, 8" of vocal/operatic/orchestral, mostly European releases 
(from Canfield) 

box 9 - 13" band, popular and early music, some acoustically recorded (from Record Finders, and local) 

box 10 - 11" band, popular and early music (from Wax Museum) 

box 11 - 12" band, popular and early music, some acoustically recorded (from Record Finders) 

box 12 - 12" band, popular and early music, some acoustically recorded (from Record Finders) 

box 13 - 9" band, popular and early music (from Wax Museum) 

box 14 - 12" band, popular and early music (from Wax Museum) 

box 15 - 12" band, popular and early music, some acoustically recorded (from Record Finders) 

box 16 - 12" band, popular and early music, some acoustically recorded (from Record Finders) 
Most are in superb condition, especially the material that I purchased from Dave 
Canfield.  The discs that came from the Wax Museum I cherry-picked from the 
stacks he had there.  So condition should not be a worry at all. 
The are FREE to a good home.    I've enjoyed my time with these and I'm 
looking for another who will appreciate them.  These are practically ready to 
go.  They are all boxed with bubble wrap and etc., for a safe drive down the 
road.  All you need to do is drive over and pick them up. 
Simply contact me via email, 
D. Blake Werts (Charlotte, NC) 
bwerts at vnet.net

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