[78-L] Record Noises - Identify and Understand Cause

beststuff4u at frontiernet.net beststuff4u at frontiernet.net
Sun Jan 12 17:53:41 PST 2014

I am in the process of gearing up to transfer acoustic 78s to my PC and then to restore them using software. The various software packages I've been looking at all have features that require me to correctly specify the type of noise and choose the corresponding filter. I've read all about the various types of noise that people discuss but I need to identify them when I hear them. 

Does anyone know of a good tutorial or reference document that not only describes the various types of record noises but also the sources of the noise so I can take the appropriate corrective action either via the software or some physical action on the equipment or on the records? 

Terms I've read but cannot accurately identify are: Hiss, Wear, Pop, Crackle, Click, and Clipping; these seem to be the main ones.

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

Sherwin Cerini
Rochester, New York

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