[78-L] Records wanted...

Graham Newton gn at audio-restoration.com
Tue Dec 24 09:43:09 PST 2013

Hello all...

The following discs are wanted... (with apologies for cross-posting) if you 
have any of these and are willing to part with them for a price, please contact 
me off list at:-

gn at audio-restoration.com

The Boswell Sisters:
Canadian Brunswick 6257 "Was That The Human Thing To Do"
- both sides of which are alternate takes, from a different recording
session, from the U.S. Brunswick.

Clean copy of Al Jolson's Canadian Brunswick 4402
"Liza" ¦ The Canadian issue being an alternate take not issued in the U.S.,
identified by a Jolson-esque lyric of "I'm singing', I'm shouting', I'm
yelling 'Liza'¦" within the recording, with a rather brighter arrangement
that the U.S. Brunswick issue.

Another non-U.S. issue is another Boswell Sisters issue¦
"Sing A Little Jingle" on German or French Brunswick A-9076 or on
Mexican/Spanish Brunswick 41337

Another odd-ball issue¦
Dick Powell on French Brunswick 500.411 "Ah! The Moon Is Here"
I have this on English Decca F3372, but would also like to have it on the
"Brunswick" issue¦from a Brunswick session, the title wasn't issued in the

... Graham Newton

Audio Restoration by Graham Newton, http://www.audio-restoration.com
World class professional services applied to tape or phonograph records for
consumers and re-releases, featuring CEDAR's CAMBRIDGE processes.

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