[78-L] Beethoven Request

John Wright vintage at jabw.demon.co.uk
Tue Dec 17 01:18:57 PST 2013

In Britain BBC Radio 3 started doing these composer marathons a few years
ago and their first choice was Beethoven. It took a week, yes a WEEK 24/7,
to play everything by Beethoven, including all the WoO.

Lots of repeats with historical performances, live performances, interviews
with musicians and academics, a whole week. I did listen to a good amount.
Since then they also did a Schubert week which was a real turn off for
listeners as mostly when you switched on R3 it was people singing in German
and folks got tired of that. 

There was also a JS Bach week and there's been some shorter episodes for
less prolific composers.

I can't recall a Mozart marathon.


The Beethoven was popular but I believe the other marathons were less well


David Lewis, the Coriolan Overture is a favourite of mine but I've never
heard the historical performance that you seek. I don't recall the BBC
playing it.





Message: 14

Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 10:49:01 -0500

From: David Lennick <dlennick at sympatico.ca>

Subject: Re: [78-L] Beethoven Request

To: 78-L Mail List <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>

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WNED-FM is playing all Beethoven, all day. Tough luck for anyone who'd like

little Bartok today. I'm fine with Beethoven but are there any other

who get this onslaught every year? Or do we place the blame squarely at the 

feet of Charles M. Schulz?




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