[78-L] Beethoven Request

David Lewis uncledavelewis at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 16 18:11:00 PST 2013

Much obliged, Mr. Lennick!
>>That said, in another lifetime (or one of several storage lockers) I had (may still have) a Past Masters LP of Mengelberg acousticals. Coriolan should be on it.
Mr. Lennick wrote:WNED-FM is playing all Beethoven, all day. Tough luck for anyone who'd like a 
little Bartok today. I'm fine with Beethoven but are there any other composers 
who get this onslaught every year? Or do we place the blame squarely at the 
feet of Charles M. Schulz?>>>I had a friend who was a very advanced classical collector, in all formats, inLos Angeles. He had once worked as an usher at the Hollywood Bowl, and could notstand the sound of anything Beethoven, as during the 1930s-1940s there was sucha Beethoven mania generally that he could not escape it.
Uncle Dave Lewis
uncledavelewis at hotmail.com


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