[78-L] Were classical 78 rpm sets made into the early 50's?

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 17 10:56:44 PST 2013

Some Mario Lanza albums were on 78 very late. The Columbia set "The Union" was 
on 78s, as was the Kismet cast album.


On 11/17/2013 1:13 PM, Robert M. Bratcher Jr. wrote:
> Like perhaps 1953 or 54 for example? Or did they stop being made before that like in 1951 or 52 since the LP record was out in 1948? Reason I'm asking is a have 2 45 rpm classical sets from RCA&  1 Capital 45 rpm set with all 3 made in the early 50's which is why I'm asking the question about whether they may have been 78 rpm albums issued too of these or of other 45 rpm albums released in the early 50's. Anybody know?
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