[78-L] Sylvia Marlowe 78's question

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sat Nov 16 15:05:24 PST 2013

I seem to remember a Bost set as well, but could be wrong. It would be 
cross-referenced in the last Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia. I've had the General 
set a few times (wonderful) but don't remember her on Musicraft or Gramophone Shop.


On 11/16/2013 6:01 PM, Thomas Stern wrote:
> Anyone know of a SYLVIA MARLOWE recording on BOST Records ????
> Someone in a forum said she had recorded for them, but my searches do not find anything.
> Perhaps a mis-recollection - I see 78's for GENERAL, MUSICRAFT, and GRAMOPHONE SHOP, and there were some Decca 78's.
> Thanks!
> Best wishes, Thomas.

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