[78-L] SPECIAL B. Blue Amberol Cylinder??

Mark Bardenwerper citrogsa at charter.net
Fri Nov 8 17:37:08 PST 2013

On 11/7/2013 8:23 PM, Michael Biel wrote:
> When the wax Amberol cylinder came out in 1908 and again  when the Blue
> Amberol came out in 1912, Edison gave the purchasers of new machines or
> converting kits a set of 10 or 12 cylinders that were available only
> that way.  They were "numbered" Special A, Special B, etc.  I don't
> think the two sets were the same recordings.  My reference books are too
> low in the pile to check.
> Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com
Derrell Lehman posted images of the pages of an pamphlet entitled "Ten 
Special Amberola Records Practically Free (with every purchase of an 
Amberola Attachment for) The Edison Phonograph. I have converted them to 
.pdf and posted the resulting file here


Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr.

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