[78-L] Can't resist sharing this ^

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Thu Nov 7 16:03:43 PST 2013

A hilarious ad and description of a piccolo for sale. Too bad, I wonder why it 
was removed?


On 11/7/2013 7:00 PM, Jeff Lichtman wrote:
> It's been removed from Craigslist. What was it?
>> http://kpr.craigslist.org/msg/4174429971.html
>> Originally forwarded by Cary to Facebook. And hey, there were piccolo 78s. Some
>> of you may even have enjoyed them.
>> dl
>                         -        Jeff Lichtman
>                                  jeff at swazoo.com
>                                  Check out Swazoo Koolak Photography
>                                      at http://swazoo.com/

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