[78-L] Canadian, American, like what's the difference eh?

Han Enderman jcenderman at solcon.nl
Mon Nov 4 07:33:02 PST 2013

The Canadian patriotic Columbia P series (blue-white with flag) has been discussed here long ago.
Did Canadian Columbia press records from the US catalog (A- & -D series) of the teens/20s ?
If yes, how can such pressings be recognized (minor differences on labels) ?

han enderman
The Canadian operation pressed many of the important recordings but also tried 
to replace many with their own versions in the 216xxx series. I never saw a US 
Victor in the flesh till I began serious collecting in the early 60s, other 
than the odd one someone had brought up on a trip. 
Columbias were a different story, looked almost identical. 
Brunswicks said made in Canada but the labels were virtually identical 
(not forgetting the earliest Vertical ones which were pressed only in Canada).


On 11/4/2013 7:51 AM, rjh334578gmail wrote:
> Were American Victors available at all in Canada?
> Sent from my iPod - which explainz the bad typjng
> On Nov 3, 2013, at 11:22 PM, David Lennick<dlennick at sympatico.ca>
> wrote:
>> I just happened to catch a tv spot for ANCESTRY.CA, a Canadian site
>> (supposedly). Shows an old record spinning. An AMERICAN Victor
>> batwing. Nice
>> research, morons.
>> dl

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