[78-L] Edmond O'Brien (and this DOES have 78rpm

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Oct 4 14:39:04 PDT 2013

On 10/4/2013 5:32 PM, David Lewis wrote:
> David Lennick wrote:
> Duhhh..so these are Mercury 78s! Not Majestic! Sorry about that. And now, to
> complete the tale, here are the listings as on the LP and with the authors named.
> No, they were definitely recorded for, and originally published by, Majestic. The reason
> they do not show up in Ty's site is that they were recorded as part of an album set, and the
> issue numbers fall within a range that is not accounted for there. I don't know what that
> range is, or what number set this is; I was able to trace the Majestic sets up through number
> 16 and that's all I know at the moment.
> Uncle Dave Lewis
> uncledavelewis at hotmail.com
> ____________________________

So how come they DO show up on Ty's site on the Mercury pages as album A-15, 
discs 1016-8? Or should these in fact be under Majestic? Or did Mercury reissue 
them as 78s..but those numbers are way too low!

LP follows the order of the matrix numbers, incidentally, and not the 78rpm 


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