[78-L] Is It Me?

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Thu Sep 26 07:12:09 PDT 2013

Actually, it's apparently Yahoo. Groups are so totally screwed up that a lot of 
stuff isn't getting through. I haven't been able to access the simple page that 
links all my groups for a few weeks (there's a roundabout route that drives me 
crazy and which then ends up displaying every recent message in every group 
whether I want to read it or not).

On 9/26/2013 9:11 AM, David Lennick wrote:
> If it was from a new seller, the listmeister may not have approved it
> immediately. How about it, Listmeister?
> dl
> On 9/26/2013 8:45 AM, Paul Christenzen wrote:
>> Or is 78C severely screwed up?  I just received an e-mail dated 9/20 - 6
>> days "late"...  anyone else have the same?
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