[78-L] Le Bing: Bing Crosby's first LP (or is it?) gets a reissue

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sun Sep 15 13:58:29 PDT 2013

I wonder if the unreleased material is from his radio programs? Otherwise you'd 
think this would have been expanded to twelve-inch by 1958. I've never heard of 
this one before.


On 9/15/2013 4:26 PM, Randy Watts wrote:
> Bing figured heavily in Decca's early LP catalog.  Both 78 rpm albums reissued in the new format as well as singles compilations.
> My understanding is that "Le Bing" was his first album recorded specifically with LPs in mind. I would imagine that some "Bing Sings Songs from His Latest Motion Picture Hit" type things probably preceded it, though.
> Universal has been vague regarding the specifics of what was lost in that fire. That portions of Mosaic's Jimmie Lunceford and Louis Armstrong Decca sets had to be mastered from 78s gives some indication, though.
> Randy
> ------------------------------
> On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 3:06 PM CDT Sammy Jones wrote:
>> Well, apparently I've been sending to the non-preferred 78-L email address
>> for years, and it's just stopped working...here's try number three for this
>> post:
>> Bing Crosby's first LP is getting a CD reissue, with previously unreleased
>> material:
>> http://www.amazon.com/Le-Bing-Song-Hits-Paris/dp/B00EEPFW1E/ref=pd_sim_sbs_m_2
>> I guess this escaped the Universal vault fire from several years ago.  Did
>> we ever hear exactly what music masters went up in the blaze?
>> Mike Biel tells me there were lots of other Bing LPs in the catalog when
>> this was issued.  Maybe this is Bing's first album made specifically for LP?
>> Also, it seems there's a new CD of Bings AFRS special recordings (and a few
>> excerpts from Philco Radio Time):
>> http://www.amazon.com/AFRS-Basic-Music-Library-Philco/dp/B00F0MNER4/ref=pd_sim_sbs_m_3
>> Few details are available on Amazon, aside from the label, Sounds of
>> Yesteryear.  Anybody know anything about this one?
>> Sammy Jones
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