[78-L] Digest mode WAS Edit lines, please!

Iñigo Cubillo ice261263 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 23:23:50 PDT 2013

Luis Contijoch vs. DL... mmmm..  I believe both are true.
DL refers to the Good Ole' use of taking the exact part you wanted to
reply to and quoting Mr. X or Mr. Y, etc. I. E. ... This is exactly
what Master Biel always does, for instance, or Master DL, and many
But I believe LC refers more to the accidental fact that happens when
you are reading in Digest mode, and suddenly you want to reply to
something with the urgence of the moment, and you hit the REPLAY key
and answer. Then, depending on the email REPLAY options of your
browser, etc. the entire digest is quoted. You almost don't notice it,
as the browser takes you to the end where you are replaying... and you
don't see you are sending back ALL the Digest message quoted back.
If you don't take care of this, it happens. (It has happened to me in
the past...)

PS. Dear Luis Contijoch...!!! I had had lost you....!!!
How are you, old friend?
Now we poor spaniards are in the same status you were years ago... Do
you remember? we have our own corralito...
Pity we.

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