[78-L] Diccha Industries? A clear 78...

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Mon Jul 1 21:56:56 PDT 2013

Never heard of the group or the record company.  I wonder if Theme Song
means it might be a gospel group which broadcast. The white type on
black label made me wonder if these photos are negatives!!!  But the
sticker is black type on a white sticker, so these are probably legit!

Mike Biel  mbie at mbiel.com

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [78-L] Diccha Industries? A clear 78...
From: James <sartana at cox.net>
Date: Mon, July 01, 2013 6:02 pm
To: 78-L Mail List <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>

Does anyone know anything about this label: Diccha? It can be seen here:


I am just curious and I have not seen one before and the internet seems 
to not be brimming with info either...

Thanks for any info!

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