[78-L] -OT 1940's radio - "down-east" character

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sat Jun 1 17:23:47 PDT 2013

Uncle Fletcher was on Vic & Sade, but that was more mid-west. Titus Moody was 
the New Englander on Fred Allen's program. Clarence Hartzell and Parker 
Fennelly respectively. Howdy, bub.


On 6/1/2013 8:19 PM, Thomas Stern wrote:
> failing memory again - there was a "character" on radio - I think 1940's maybe earlier
> who was a "down-east" comedy character.....who was the actor, the characters name,
> and what show was he on ??
> Thanks!
> Best wishes, Thomas.
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