[78-L] Marian McPartland and..

Julian Vein julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Apr 30 05:46:34 PDT 2013

On 30/04/13 04:04, David Lennick wrote:
> SAVOY MG 12005, Marian McPartland, lists NO personnel (doesn't even say there's
> a rhythm section) so I'm relying on Lord, which shows MOONLIGHT IN VERMONT as
> having been recorded twice and both versions being on this lp. December 12/52
> with Max Wayne and Mousie Alexander, December 22/52 with Eddie Safranski and
> Don Lamond. Which is it?
> dl
> _______________________________________________
Ruppli's Savoy disco lists the first version as being issued on MG 
12005, and the second on MG 12016. There were also 10" and EP issues of 
both, but none with both versions.,

       Julian Vein

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