[78-L] eBay puzzle

Cary Ginell soundthink at live.com
Thu Apr 18 08:58:45 PDT 2013

Easy. The first bidder wants it badly enough to put a maximum bid of $500 on it. Then, if a second bidder posts a bid over the minimum raise, it shoots up to $550. It could have been a Buy It Now, but it didn't have to be.

Cary Ginell

On Apr 18, 2013, at 8:40 AM, David Lennick <dlennick at sympatico.ca> wrote:

> How can an item have a starting price of $100, have one bid, and sell for $550? 
> Am I missing something here? Or would the seller have posted BUY IT NOW at that 
> price? This is an item that sold a few months ago so the listing isn't 
> available, only the price via Popsike.
> dl
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