[78-L] Approximating 78s age by physical characteristics

David London jusmee123 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 15:59:42 PST 2013

>>> first laminated pressings
> Columbia and American were doing laminated pressings in maybe 1902 or 3.
>   The Columbia Marconi Velvet-Tone flexible plastic discs in 1907 were
> laminated. But Columbia was doing solid pressings as well until the
> introduction of the New Process in 1923.

I noticed you capitalised "New Process".  Was this the start of the 
modern laminated pressings?

Amongst all the modern (post WW2?) 78s I have, labels like Columbia, 
HMV, Parlophone, Philips are thicker and nicely laminated, but some 
still seem to be thin unlaminated - such as red Capitol label - the 
later Capitol went to purple and were laminated. (a side note - the red 
label Capitols all seem to have more surface noise as well) There's 
probably a whole long story here, and it may well be country/continent 

Is it possible to put an approximate date on when the "modern" laminated 
disc was first used mainstream?  Seems that nearly all later big band 
era and jazz records I have are laminated, except a few, such as red 
Columbia label from the US.  The impression I am forming is that the 
main changeover to laminated was happening about or just before WW2.  
The earliest I have noticed are perhaps some Regal-Zonophones from the 30's.

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