[78-L] Van Cliburn

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Mar 1 06:03:28 PST 2013

The most overPLAYED concerto these days is probably Rach III. I'm at the point 
now where I look at my watch through the Brahms II. These things come and go.


On 3/1/2013 1:29 AM, Philip Carli wrote:
> I have to say something - possibly the most _overhyped_ pianist in history, who still had good points, was Paderewski; the most _overrated_, based upon recordings, might be a tie between de Pachmann and Hambourg; the Tchaikovsky 1st may be one of the two most _overplayed_ piano concertos in the repertoire (the other being the Grieg) but I'm not sure about the "overrated" part.  Other concertos come up awfully often too but no-one dares to say anything about them, even if they don't care for them, for fear of being labelled a heretic - they're by more "venerated" composers than Tchaikovsky or Grieg. For overplaying, there's a great story by Berlioz in his _Evenings With The Orchestra_ about a piano that takes off on its own after dozens of Conservatoire prize aspirants in succession have played the Mendelssohn G minor concerto on it.  I haven't heard that concerto in concert in years, and it used to be on the top shelf of repertoire reliables.
> Take it down a notch, maybe.  The US is full of ranters on all sorts of topics right now.  We could use a break from our allies.  PC
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