[78-L] What's Left of Goldkette? - was Goldkette pronunciation

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sun Feb 17 09:20:40 PST 2013

On 2/17/2013 12:10 PM, Julian Vein wrote:
>> On 2/17/2013 11:18 AM, Julian Vein wrote:
>>> On 17/02/13 15:02, David Lennick wrote:
>>>> And then there was a Canadian actor who appeared in a number of US films (a James Bond or two included), Cec Linder.
>>>> Hands up, anyone who knows how his first name was pronounced.
>>>> dl
>>> ======================
>>> "Cess" as in "cesspool".
>>>          Julian Vein
>>> _______________________________________________

 > On 17/02/13 16:26, David Lennick wrote:
 >> "Ceece" as in "cease and desist" (famous vaudeville team).
 >> dl

> I assumed it was pronounced "Sek", until I heard it pronounced "Cess",
> so I assumed it was short for "Cecil".
>        Julian Vein

Which we pronounce SEE-SILL up here.

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