[78-L] Betty and Bob

L78rpm at aol.com L78rpm at aol.com
Sun Jan 6 08:00:05 PST 2013

Ross Laird's "Moanin Low" (page 29) says of the disc:
"These are obviously pseudonyms, but while Bob could be Bob Dixon (usually  
Dick Robertson) the identity of Betty remains unknown."
Paul Charosh
In a message dated 1/6/2013 6:25:27 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk writes:

On  06/01/13 06:30, L78rpm at aol.com wrote:
> "Bob and Betty" are vocalists on  Crown 3251: "Sing a Song of Contract", a
> song about contract bridge  composed by Sigmund Spaeth.  Whether they are
> the same people, I  do not know.  Their last names are not given.
> Paul Charosh
I have this listed as by "Dick  Robertson & Betty ...."! Don't have the 
record though.

Julian Vein

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