[78-L] Paderewski query

David Lewis uncledavelewis at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 2 14:07:53 PST 2013

RJ wrote: Minuet in G on my circle label Victor 16250 says recorded in Europe.  It's a dub and kinda dull, but still sounds like same performanc that's on 60 Years of Music volume one and Keyboard Giants of the Past.  Can anybody confirm or correct or provide a date?  
>>> First acoustic version was recorded in NY, 5-23-1917, and issued on Vi 74533 (C-19783-3).Second acoustic is the "1923" one, recorded in Camden 5-5-1923 and issued on Vi 6232 (C-19783-10).
First electrics were recorded in New York 5-20-1926 and issued on Vi 6680 (CVE-19783-11-12; Victor issued both takes).I don't have all of the detail on your Circle 16250, but it was recorded for HMV in London on 1-30-1937.This would be the same recording used on the pea green 60 Years of Music set.
Uncle Dave Lewis
uncledavelewis at hotmail.com 		 	   		  

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