[78-L] Bad taste is timeless

Paul Christenzen picz65 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 19:15:43 PST 2012

You probably saw a "Capitol"... "Capital"... ?   They're much more 
commonand have a MUCH nicer shade IMHO.

Mark Bardenwerper wrote:
> On 12/6/2012 7:02 PM, David Lennick wrote:
>> I don't know where you're looking, but here's one that was listed a while back:
>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/FAIRY-PHONOGRAPH-LAMP-Endlessgraph-Mfg-Co-c-1920-/250853157912
>> dl
> I was premature. It is made by Fairy out of Chicago.
> Functional.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLVJErZsAfw
> I saw a really gaudy record player lamp at an antique store some time
> ago, quite unlike this. With the correct shade, it is not THAT bad. This
> one looks to be trumped up a bit.

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