Steve Shapiro steveshapiro1 at juno.com
Sat Nov 24 18:01:27 PST 2012

Dear Fred,

Welcome to 78-l!

You are truly a legend, known to many people on this list!  Some of your oyVey listings have been most remarkable and are the stuff of history!  Some of us are still wondering, did Bill Gates or Oprah ever buy that 14 inch Pathe record from you that you had on oyVey for $300,00 -- or was it $500,000 -- and take care of your mortgage, as you had requested?

Please remember, no disrespect or cussing people you don't like on this list!  After I had trouble with you over a misgraded record years ago, you blocked me on oyVey.  Let's let bygones be bygones, even though you still have me blocked.  (How many others on this list have you also blocked?)  

With your joining us, we should be in for some interesting times!  As you will soon see, we record collectors have interesting adventures to share.  It will be great to hear about yours!  You must have lots of them!

Since for many years you have proclaimed yourself to be an "expert" on 78s (except maybe not in the record grading department), perhaps you would like to describe for us some of the most interesting record sleeves you have encountered, how you got started collecting sleeves, and what you have learned.  I for one would love to hear your story.

As an "expert" on 78s, you are now in good company.  There are many other experts on this list, as well as some just plain enthusiasts, like myself, who find this group a great resource.

Once again, welcome to 78-l!/steve
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