[78-L] The new book on Columbia Records - "360 Sound" - A Formal Review

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Tue Nov 13 08:35:01 PST 2012

It most likely reissued a lot of Mal's dad's recordings, but other than that, 
it was just an aside. Speaking of Columbia, Mr. Geoffrey Wheeler also has an 
interesting opus concerning that label's history and possible nefarious doings 
over the years.


On 11/13/2012 11:30 AM, Malcolm Rockwell wrote:
> ... aaand does Naxos have anything to do with Mal's dad?
> Or was your head outpacing your fingers?
> Mal
> *******
> On 11/12/2012 7:14 PM, David Lennick wrote:
>> Yay for Mal's dad..by the way, I found myself in the index to Nicolas Soames'
>> recent book about the history of the Naxos label. (Page 174 I think..I looked
>> at the display copy in a store yesterday, just out of curiosity. They haven't
>> sent me a copy of the book.)
>> dl
>> On 11/13/2012 12:11 AM, Steve Ramm wrote:
>>> (I'm cross posting this on a number of lists)
>>> I know quite a number of people were waiting for my review of the new book on the history of Columbia Records published by Chronicle Books. Well, it’s done and up on Amazon.com. It ‘s the first review there. A bit of background before I give you the link:
>>> The review is for the large book by Sean Wilentz, which I’ll call the “Standard Edition”. I do mention the accompanying book by Dave Marsh which is included in the “Deluxe Edition”. I was not able to obtain the USB with the recordings in the Marsh book that is also included in the Deluxe Edition, so I can’t judge that.
>>> Surprisingly, the Deluxe Edition is available direct from Amazon now (for $234..00) and it says there are only two copies left. The Standard Edition is notAvailable from Amazon direct but there are currently about 12 copies available on Amazon through “resellers”. The list price for the Standard Edition is $49.00. I can't tell you what Amazon's Direct price will be , when it is in stock.
>>> I contacted the publisher and they assured me that they will be supplying copies to Amazon but it is already out of stock and they are awaiting a reprint. Anyway, that’s all I can tell you.
>>> You can find my review it this URL:
>>> http://tinyurl.com/9wqkvh6
>>> By the way, our member Malcolm Rockwell's dad, Tommy, gets a SENTENANCE in the book!
>>> Steve Ramm 		 	   		
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