[78-L] Charlie Johnson BVE 53600-1

J. E. Knox rojoknox at metroeast.org
Tue Oct 16 13:14:01 PDT 2012

Greetings from FixitLand!

David Lennick wrote:

> Hubba hubba indeed..May 8, 1929, unissued. Same session as mats. 51298/9 
> (Harlem Drag/Hot Bones and Rice)..this was the next block of matrix numbers 
> available.
> VMB lists take 2. This is take 1? Not that Rust's take numbers are reliable all 
> the time.

VMB shows the highest take made at each session, not necessarily the specific take(s) used. That confuses a lot of folks.

Per EDVR, BVE 58600-1 is the master take, -2 marked "Hold" (what kind of Hold, they don't say). Both were Destroyed. This test pressing clearly shows a take 1. Fortunately for us, the center area of the test is not scooped, so all the original info is there. (Did you see the photo at SoundCloud?)

I don't have VMB here at work...Did Rust tell us which studio was used? It's New York, certainly, but could be 44th St., 46th St., or Liederkranz Hall.

Also, I should apologize for perhaps stealing Yves François' thunder. He posted this link on his Facebook page.

Take care,

J. E. Knox "The Victor Freak"

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