[78-L] Margaret Dodd Singers

Han Enderman jcenderman at solcon.nl
Sun Sep 30 18:09:01 PDT 2012

I have a single image on Howard label:
H-103 / R-503-B Satan Was Right - ... (Slavin) by Howard Slavin.
This suggests a sacred vanity label.

I know of 2 albums on MHR, by Herman Chittison & Ethel Waters.
On "Recorded By Mary Howard" I have seen H-1002, by Avon Long.

han enderman
>>> Mary Howard was a NY recording studio, like Melotone. I think I've seen a 
couple of commercial pressings on that label, but mostly I see lacquers.


On 9/30/2012 4:37 PM, Thomas Stern wrote:
> 1. Does anyone have the notes for the 1946 HARGAIL album
> "Folk Songs and Ballads of America" which they would be willing to scan (or photocopy) for me???
> 2. There are a number of listings for HOWARD and GLORIA label 78rpm releases, which seem to be the
> same recordings.  MHR prefix (there was a Mary Howard Records label - is this related???), 150 series,
> all "Carols from the Long Christmas".
> 3. Any information about a 1 or 2 disc SONGS OF M.I.T., 1948, pressed by Columbia (if I read the citation correctly),
> P 38862-P38863 ??????????
> 4. Any LP's OTHER THAN:
>        NEW RECORDS NRLP 2007,
>        MUSIC IN AMERICA MIA 102,
>        American Recording Society ARS-32,
>        Folkways FH 5108.
> Best wishes, Thomas.

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