[78-L] Massive Stuff Blowout!

Kurt Nauck nauck at 78rpm.com
Sun Sep 30 06:54:17 PDT 2012

Greetings All

Many odds and ends (some odder than others) have been piling up 
around here for a long, long time and it's time to clear the shelves 
to make way for a couple of large, recently purchased record collections.

So I've posted about 100 things on eBay, and there is much more to 
come. Search on nauck3, or go to


You'll find parts, needle tins, phonographs, records, tapes, Nippers, 
music rolls, cylinder cases, record sleeves and much more. Thus far, 
everything opens at $1 with no reserve, with the exception of  a 
Garrard 301, an Edison Concert (Opera) Phonograph and a super-sweet 
Columbia dealer needle display box. First round closes this evening!

Kurt Nauck
c/o Nauck's Vintage Records
22004 Sherrod Ln.
Spring, Texas  77389


E-Mail: nauck at 78rpm.com
Phone: (281) 288-7826
Fax: (425) 930-6862

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