[78-L] Hamlet

Don Cox doncox at enterprise.net
Thu Aug 30 13:35:14 PDT 2012

Hello David

On 30/08/2012, David Lennick wrote:
> Can anyone provide the cast list for HAMLET, Old Vic Company, RCA
> Victor LM 6404? Other than John Gielgud, I'm not coming up with much
> via the old innerweb. Got the 4 lps but not the box or the notes.
Could it be this one from 1957 ? Found by searching for "Hamlet Gielgud"
on the Gramofile site.


 Hamlet Sir John Gielgud

 Ghost Leon Quartermaine

 King Paul Rogers

 Queen Coral Browne

 Ophelia Yvonne Mitchell

 Polonius Alan Webb

 Laertes Peter Coke

 Horatio Jack Gwillim

 Grave digger Dudley Jones 

1st Player Richard Wordsworth

 Narrator John Rye

 With other members of The Old Vic Company. Production by John Richmond and Sir John Gielgud. H.M.V. ALP1482-4 (three 12 in., 125s. Id.).

Don Cox
doncox at enterprise.net

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