[78-L] ODEON-PARLOPHONE - WAS Ted Wilson Musicraft pressings WAS Casa Loma "White Jazz"

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Thu Aug 23 06:16:05 PDT 2012

Musicraft pressings made in Canada are on the MUSICANA label and are indeed 
quiet, as well as very breakable. Most have blue labels and sometimes the same 
US catalogue numbers. A few have red labels and are twelve-inch (the 
Shostakovich 7th Symphony as well as one set from Black And White masters).

And sometimes the surface noise can be subdued..my transfers of the Duke 
Ellington Musicrafts on Naxos are regularly cited by an Ellington group.


On 8/23/2012 9:00 AM, IƱigo Cubillo wrote:
> Tim Huskisson, Lennick and Vein:
> Thanks for your responses.
> About the fuzziness of the Wilson sides, I also first listened to these
> Wilson Musicraft recordings in one of those cheap italian LP issues of Jazz
> Pianists (Discophon was the brand?) And the fuzziness was there too...
> Lennick: my Musicraft pressings are not  the rough type (which I believe
> you refer to with the camel poop simile) but others which seem very soft,
> like vinyl-lite sort of shellack? They are shiny... but this sort of thing
> grabs the bamboo needle and the surface becomes cloudy and white when
> played with bamboo. Steel also works bad (too much black powder on the
> needle tip at the end). Now I don't remember if they are Canadian
> pressings...could they be? I bought many records from the late dear Jeff
> Healey, and this set could be one of them.
> About the Odeon (SP) - Parlophone (UK) connection:
> Indeed I must say my apologies, for actually not having any direct evidence
> of Parlophone issues in the Wilson case. I just run ahead and
> extrapolated... I supposed EMI UK issuing imported US matrixes on
> Parlophone (funny cheap label for all kinds of music) and then passing them
> to EMI Spain, who in turn converted this into Odeon pressings. I've always
> supposed these things were done in EMI UK and we simply duplicated issues
> of british Parlophones.
> I've found other spanish Odeons that come from US King recordings and
> others, through british Parlophone... (Sondra&  Jon Steele, Irving Fields
> Trio...) Those have been found among the UK Parlophones, and the originals
> are USA King recordings. I think I found them in Steve Abrams databases or
> any other sort of thing.
> This is only a reasonable guess, with some evidences to sustain it.
> It would be very interesting to prepare (myself) a list of say, post-1936
> spanish Odeon issues of imported matrixes that are likely to be drawn from
> british Parlophone issues, and launch it, just to be compared by UK
> colleagues with Parlophone catalogs to see if indeed our Odeons drew from
> UK Parlophones.
> There are clear cases of 1947-1956 period, as all the Robert Inglez and the
> Savoy Hotel Orchestra Parlophone sides, which were very popular in Spain...
> These were recorded in the UK for the Parlophone F (maroon) series and R
> (indigo) series, and many issues were repeated in Spain in Odeon 184000
> blue / 204000 green series.
> Anyone picks the glove? I could send next week an XLS or TXT extracted from
> my database for any curious soul that may want to cross check spanish Odeon
> issues with UK Parlophone catalogs...
> Inigo Cubillo
> Temporarily landed in France
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