[78-L] Setting new standards of awfulness

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Mon Jul 30 20:13:11 PDT 2012

Probably one of Eli's cut during the recording ban. The music is second rate 
(both songs written by Sammy Meade and somebody named Loman) but the clarinet 
sounds like Tarras.


On 7/30/2012 11:07 PM, Taylor Bowie wrote:
> Is it some kind of a half-assed dub off of Banner?  The description of the
> music sounds great.
> Taylor
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Lennick"<dlennick at sympatico.ca>
> To: "78L"<78-L at 78online.com>
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 7:49 PM
> Subject: [78-L] Setting new standards of awfulness
>> Every once in a while you run across a record that makes your jaw drop in
>> terms
>> of its horrible quality or ineptness in execution or .. why the hell does
>> it
>> fade up in the middle of a verse and run only 2 minutes? Such a record is
>> The
>> Barry (Bagelman) Sisters "Kotereena" (pronounced Katarina), on HIT 7094.
>> What
>> there is of it is a pretty good rhumba, with a pretty good band with some
>> hot
>> klezmer clarinet, as well as the worst surface noise anywhere, plus bumps
>> and
>> dropouts in the original source. This must have been all that was
>> salvageable
>> from a broken or damaged master. And it's take 2 yet! The other side is
>> fine.
>> Wotta mess...
>> dl
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