[78-L] A Little OT: Red Nichols, North American Recording Co. & Hallicrafters

David Lewis uncledavelewis at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 27 21:32:13 PDT 2012

Here is a promo 45: North American Recording Co.HI-FI--Series__ [left hand]Recorded AndEngineered ForHi-FidelityReproduction ForTHEHALLICRAFTERS CO.45 rpm [right hand]NOTFOR SALE INSTRUMENTAL NA-1200 Silver Threads Among the Gold (Danks)NA-1201 Under the Double Eagle (Wagner) "RED" NICHOLS AND HIS FAMOUS PENNIES"Red" Nichols, Cornet; King Jackson, trombone; DonLodice, tenor; Rosie McHargue, clarinet;Joe Rushton, bass saxophone; Rollie Culverdrums and Bob Hammond, piano. The device "HI-FI" looks a little like the logo of HI-FIDELITY in Los Angeles, but I don't think thisis the same company. I'm not familiar with North American Recording Co., but it looks like theycreated the disc on behalf of Hallicrafters. There is a wealth of information about Hallicraftershistory, equipment and accessories, but not a word about them producing records.  Is this session in Lord? I could use the date, and if anyone knows more about this company,or how many records Hallicrafters had a hand in, I would surely appreciate it.

Uncle Dave Lewis
uncledavelewis at hotmail.com 		 	   		  

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