[78-L] HMV matrix symbols

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Wed Jul 25 11:28:04 PDT 2012

Bb and Cc (10" and 12") were in use from the 1920s, with BR and CR for 
electrical recordings from remote locations. At the beginning of 1931 a new 
system went into operation, 0B (that's zero-B) and 2B for 10-inch and 12-inch. 
0EA and 2EA date from a little later (don't have that info in front of me). The 
symbols were a triangle, introduced in 1925, for Electrical, then the swastika 
briefly during 1932 until somebody noticed that someone else had appropriated 
that old Sanskrit symbol, and thereafter the square was used.

Info from "Elgar On Record" notes.


On 7/25/2012 2:02 PM, S&R Pinsker wrote:
> There being a current kerfuffle over a singer with a swastika tattoo,
> I recall that the matrix numbers of some HMV electrics  included a
> swastika, others a triangle. One is Schnabel's Beethoven Concerto
> No.1, recorded at Abbey Road in 1932. The matrix prefix is 2B instead
> of 2EA. What is the significance of these symbols and what is the
> difference between B and EA matrix numbers?
> rdp
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