[78-L] Somebody Needs to Step in and Educate this Guy

Malcolm Rockwell malcolm at 78data.com
Sun Jul 22 15:00:55 PDT 2012

I wonder if he'd play it for us? With one of us standing there to confirm?
I believe the price is a skosh over the top, even if it proves to be real.


On 7/22/2012 9:31 AM, David Lewis wrote:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370632986650&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:US:1123 If it is an authentic record, and it looks like the real deal, then it would be an awesome find that could well illuminate the tortured trajectory of the most famous jazz 78 of all. But the sum is beyond ridiculous, the disc is not in the best of shape, and it would be nice to know what the mx. is onthe unlabeled flip. Of course, if someone was really in the know, and conducting a scam, they could use a real Gennett test and pencil in these notations; the disc couldby anything.
> Uncle Dave Lewis
> uncledavelewis at hotmail.com 		 	   		
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