[78-L] Sixteen inch Audio-Disc transcription blanks

Dennis Flannigan dennis.flannigan at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 11:29:15 PDT 2012

Grabbed way too many transcriptions today. Some were known, three were
Smiley Burnette on RadiOzark transcriptions. A few that sound interesting,
Pistol Pete and his . . ., a Chef Cesar audition record with "Chef Cesar"
reading recipes. The Food Network is not threatened by my find.

However, the bulk are local radio shows, even locally produced ongoing
radio programing. Some stamped, 1948. Many are dusted, or more than dusted
by fungi or whatever it is called. Still, there are many playable
transcriptions with local commercials, other commercials, and audition
discs made for possible programing. Some religious, most intended for
popular audiences. All that to ask, are people looking for 16" blanks?
Those are shiny surfaced blanks, with the normal light scratching from 60
plus years of random storage. There are a few of big bands of the day, and
then way too many I don't know anything about.

I'm looking at a few. First is Transcription Broadcast Company (TBC),
D-19219, TBC AXT 2, "Christmas Shopping Jingles Thirty Days thru Sixteen
Days Before Christmas." Next, George Logan Price, Inc., "founded 1934,"
with the *Living Pages* show, featuring, "The Resurrection." Third,
"Customer Jingles," with "Biscuit Mix" listed on other side. Those are
studio recorded by the unnamed station. The last of these from Radio
Transcription Company, offering, a show called, *Short Short Stories*, 1 &

Any suggestions? Who might be interested? I can record 16", but that
turntable hasn't been set up for several years and it will be a while
before I get to it.


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