[78-L] Hillbilly Heaven

Dennis Flannigan dennis.flannigan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 12:23:08 PDT 2012

When Deacon Andy Griffith's "What It Was, Was Football," hit our R&R
station, Seattle's KJR, it was like finding a second Stan Freberg. Andy
followed up with other laughs, then the play, *No Time for Sergeants*.
Later the movie, and of course, *Face in the Crowd*, the movie showing the
demonic side of fame. It stayed two days in Tacoma, and was gone. Found its
fan base many years later, thanks to movie buffs. Wonderful, under
remembered stuff.

On to, "Hillbilly Heaven." Other covers of the time might find a few living
members. June Carter's version implied women got into heaven, and worth
adding to your collection.

Are there more covers of "Hillbilly Heaven," or, "Deck of Cards"?


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