[78-L] V-Discs - Recording Dates Request.

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Mon Jun 11 10:01:04 PDT 2012

Earl, you is a pearl..but looking these up by issue number takes a great deal 
of time, especially when one disc may contain 4 tracks by different artists. 
Performers' names and titles would make things much easier since the V-Disc 
book generally goes alphabetically by artist's name, except when many items are 
taken from a single radio program or series (say, NBC Symphony Orchestra).


On 6/11/2012 12:54 PM, OKIN EARL wrote:
> Hi Experts!
> I've just acquired by auction, the following V-Discs.
> Army V-Discs.
> 426, 485, 514, 518, 552, 685, 753 and 782.
> Navy V-Discs.
> 117, 248, 267 and 274.
> I do not have the expensive V-Disc discography, so if anyone would
> kindly send me recording dates for any/all of the above records, I'd
> be very grateful!
> Thanks,
> Earl Okin.

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