[78-L] Gerald Fabris and just about everyone else is out of the office^

Julian Vein julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri May 18 07:12:44 PDT 2012

On 18/05/12 15:08, Taylor Bowie wrote:
>> I also am not at ARSC. I am sorry they are not getting to see me. Who
>> else is not there?
>> joe salerno
> I'm not there either.  Thus far the only one I've been able to attend was
> the one here in Seattle about five years ago.  As the saying goes,  a great
> time was had by all.  I'd urge anyone who can spare the time and money to
> attend this event as often as possible.
> I'm leaving for Portland, Oregon in about an hour,  so I will also be
> joining the Out of the Office Crew.
> Taylor
> =================
Are you leaving the front door key under the mat?

      Julian Vein

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