[78-L] Symphony Concert Record

marimbamoods at comcast.net marimbamoods at comcast.net
Sun May 6 17:07:02 PDT 2012

i have an Olympic record with a green-colored Symphony Concert Record label pasted over the original red-colored Olympic label. 

the Olympic label number is 18112, and it is red. The content is pianist Lindsay McPhail playing Kitten On the Keys, backed with xylophonist George Green playing Valse Classique. 

on the McPhail side, the Symphony label as been completely scraped off save for a couple very small green specks that seem to indicate that this side did in fact have a Symphony label attached at some point. 

on the reverse, about 40% of the Symphony label has been scratched off, eliminating some of the info from that Symphony label. i am wondering if anyone can fill in a couple pieces of mystery info? 

the name of the performer on the symphony label was changed from George Green to William V ______, i. e. the last name is scrapped off. can anyone provide the last name of that pseudonym? 

the Symphony label number may or may not be complete, but shows as 31143 possibly followed by a dash. does anyone know that catalog number and / or any background on this Symphony Concert Record and it's relation to Olympic? 

thanks much, 
david harvey 

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