[78-L] Youngest recording artist?

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Mon Apr 2 14:19:22 PDT 2012

Baby Rose Marie made a test recording for Victor on January 29, 1930 and she 
might have been less than 5 at the time, but it wasn't released.


On 4/2/2012 5:12 PM, Craig Ventresco wrote:
> "Master Bieling" was tenor John Bieling portraying a gallery boy for the
> sake of this record. He was a grown man--a prolifc recording artist. (He
> was in many early quartettes, including the Haydn + American.
> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Bud Black<banjobud at cfl.rr.com>  wrote:
>> I have a Monarch record from about 1901 called "Hello Central, Give Me
>> Heaven," sung by Master John Beiling.  I wonderhow old he was?
>> David Lennick<dlennick at sympatico.ca>  wrote:
>>> So, Davey Lee (Sonny Boy in "The Singing Fool") was 4 when he recorded
>> Sonny
>>> Boy's Bear Story for Brunswick in September 1929 (born January 5, 1925 if
>> Rust
>>> is correct). Not that anybody cares, but are there any younger featured
>>> performers on record? Not giggling infants, and the kid on Phil Harris's
>>> "One-zy Two-zy" might count if we knew who she was (I was never able to
>> find
>>> out if it was Phil and Alice's kid). And not anything recorded on a home
>> machine.

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