[78-L] Skater's Waltz

DAVID BURNHAM burnhamd at rogers.com
Tue Mar 13 18:18:14 PDT 2012

Why he did it I don't know, but in the complete Toscanini discography, issued by RCA in 1966, it lists "Les Patineurs, Op. 183, (Orchestrated by Toscanini)".

In the 3 LP set by Ormandy and the Philadelphia O., called "The Blue Danube", under "The Skaters Waltz" it once again says, "Orchestrated by Arturo Toscanini" and credits Walter Toscanini with the edition.

Looking at one of the CDs from the complete Toscanini collection issued by RCA throughout the '90s, it credits Toscanini with orchestrating "The Star Spangled Banner", "El Capitan" and "Stars and Stripes Forever"

I read somewhere years ago that Toscanini either orchestrated the "Grand Canyon Suite" or asked GrofĂ© to re-orchestrate it for a large symphony orchestra.  I can't find anything now which discusses this but since GrofĂ© orchestrated "Rhapsody in Blue" for full orchestra, I'm sure he was quite able to work on his own G.C.S.


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