[78-L] do not look at Google....

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Wed Feb 29 11:51:49 PST 2012


By the way, which years do not include the 29th? Seems to me leap year skips 00 
years except when it's a new millennium, or the seventh son of the seventh son 
eats seven souffles or something like that.


On 2/29/2012 2:48 PM, Cary Ginell wrote:
> You have to "leap" to conclusions to get it, David.
> Cary Ginell
>> Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 14:44:52 -0500
>> From: dlennick at sympatico.ca
>> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
>> Subject: Re: [78-L] do not look at Google....
>> What, you mean Rossini's 220th birthday (or whatever)? I still don't get the
>> significance of the frogs.
>> dl
>> On 2/29/2012 2:38 PM, Rodger Holtin wrote:
>>> ...they got it wrong anyway, but today is Jimmy Dorsey's 27th birthday. Would have been 108 years old. He made 78s
>>> Rodger
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>>> .
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