[78-L] Songs about records, especially 78 rpm records?

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Feb 24 08:13:23 PST 2012

Could be that Sarah slurs it. The "r" shows up on several links to the lyrics 
such as Bette Midler and Andy Griffith (and Sassy):


On 2/24/2012 11:08 AM, Ray Kilcoyne wrote:
> It's funny that you'd say that.  I always thought it was your way too.  I
> bet the writer wrote it that way because grammatically that would be
> correct.  But I listened closely to the record before sending, and I can
> swear Sarah says "changes".  Anyone else have an opinion?
> RayK
> From: David Lennick
> Actually it's "and the record changer's automatic, Baby". Today of course
> the
> phone being off the hook (remember "hook"?) would prompt an incessant beep
> beep
> beep signal, for those who still use landline telephones.
> Ray Kilcoyne wrote:
>> "I've got some records here
>> to put you in the mood.
>> The phone is off the hook
>> so no one can intrude.
>> I feel romantic
>> and the record changes automatic, baby."
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