[78-L] Blank CD-Rs

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Feb 17 16:07:24 PST 2012

I'm glad you're okay with Sony..I ran into a bad batch a few years ago, as if 
at one point in the spindle the manufacturer had changed. After about 15 catbox 
scoopers, I took them over to Sony's Toronto office, citing their warranty, and 
they opened up a new spindle and counted out the same number and gave them to 
me (without even a plastic bag). They were just as faulty in real time. I 
switched to Fuji 40x and have had virtually no problems since. And Total Media 
usually has a good price on them, with or without cases. Fuji also makes a 48x 


On 2/17/2012 6:49 PM, DAVID BURNHAM wrote:
> I have always found blank CD-rs in Canada to be rediculously expensive.  A spindle of 100 discs can cost around $80.  The only brand I buy is Sony, because their blanks are good for 1x to 48x recording.  Other companies have high speed blanks good for 52x recording but they're no good for real time, (1x), recording.  It's like trying to use high speed film in a regular box camera.  When I'm in the U.S., I can find Sony blanks at any Target for around $26 per hundred.  This is a real bargain compared to any place in Canada.
> db

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